近期論文 |
1. Y. Yang*,Z. Song*, H. Gao and J. Lou et al. Intrinsic Toughening and Stable Crack Propagation in Hexagonal Boron Nitride.Nature594 (7861), 57-61, (2021) (*共同第一作者) 2.Z. Song, V. I. Artyukhov, B. I. Yakobson, and Z. Xu, Pseudo Hall-Petch strength reduction in polycrystalline graphene,Nano Letters13 (4), 1829-1833 (2013). 3.Z. Song, V. I. Artyukhov, J. Wu, B. I. Yakobson, and Z. Xu, Defect-Detriment to Graphene Strength Is Concealed by Local Probe: The Topological and Geometrical Effects,ACS Nano9 (1), 401-408 (2015). 4.Z. Song, and Z. Xu, Ultimate osmosis engineered by the pore geometry and functionalization of carbon nanostructures,Scientific Reports5, 10597 (2015). 5.Z. Song, X. Mu, T. Luo, and Z. Xu, Unzipping of carbon nanotubes is geometry-dependent,Nanotechnology27 (1), 015602 (2016). 6.Z. Song, Z. Xu, X. Huang, J. Kim, and Q. Zheng, On the fracture of supported graphene under pressure,Journal of Applied Mechanics80 (4), 040911 (2013). 7.Z. Song, Z. Xu, Topological defects in two-dimensional crystals: Stress buildup and accumulation,Journal of Applied Mechanics81, 091004 (2014). 8.Z. Song, Y. Wang and Z. Xu, Mechanical responses of the bio-nano interface: A molecular dynamics study of graphene-coated lipid membrane,Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters5,231-235 (2015)(invited). 9.Z. Song, and Z. Xu, Geometrical effect ‘stiffens’ graphene membrane at finite vacancy concentrations,Extreme Mechanics Letters6 82-87 (2016). 10.Z. Song, Yong Ni, and Z. Xu. Geometrical distortion leads to Griffith strength reduction in graphene membranes. Extreme Mechanics Letters 14 31-37 (2017). 11. Z. Cao*,Z. Song*, D. Dong and Y. Yang et al. Hydrogen bonding sewing interface.RSC Advances., 10, 17438-17443, (2020) (*共同第一作者) |